
Developing a technically Advanced Examination System that consists of Confidentiality, Accuracy, and authenticity to have Theoretical, Practical, and Online Assessments for UG, PG, and M Phil Programmes
- Credit transfer from MOOCs & Swayam Courses (Online Certificate Courses)
- Publishing the results within ten working days period after last Comprehensive Examination of the Semester
- Decentralization of conduct of Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) Examination with Departments
- Conducting on-demand Examinations for specially approved students
Office of the COE
Dr. S Sumaya
Chief Controller of Examinations
Dr. S Muthumareeswari
Controller of Examinations
Ms. S Mythili
Controller of Examinations
Ms. H Jasmin Begam
Data Base Administrator
Ms. M.Theivakkani
Data Entry Operator
Ms. M. Muthu Srinithi
Data Entry Operator
Ms. M. Ilayeswa
Data Entry Operator
Data Entry Operator
Data Entry Operator
Ms. S. Baby Shalini
The Controller of Examination shall /Conduct Examination and make all other arrangements necessary for the execution of the processes connected with examinations. This includes
- Setting and Printing Question Papers
- Preparing the schedule of Examinations
- Preparation of Nominal Roll list of candidates appearing for exams
- Issues of Hall Ticket through Head of Department
- Organizing the Central Valuation Camp
- Appointment of Examiners for print_ruation of Answer Scripts
- Convening the meeting of the Board of Examiners to pass the results, Convening the meeting of the Examination Committee to publish the results
- Conducting Rprint_ruation Examination & Instant Examination
- Supply of answer scripts and collection of scripts, Coordination in the conduct of examinations
- Finalizing the Results
- Printing and verification of Individual Mark Statements (IMS), Cumulative Mark Statements (CMS)
- Preparation of Provisional Certificate (PC) and Degree Certificate (DC) List
- Organizing the Convocation
- Bring in Examination reforms and update the examination process from time to time
The two major objectives of the Examinations System are
- Conduct of examinations successfully and
- Publication of the results within the stipulated time
Examination Schedule
- End Semester Examinations will be conducted in November and April of every Academic Year
- The schedule for the conduct of continuous Internal Assessment tests and the commencement of Practical and Theory Examinations are given in the Academic Calendar
Examination Registration
Details of the Application Form/ Payment Procedure / Hall Tickets
- Students can obtain their End Semester Examination Application Form from the respective Department. The filled-in application form with the signature of the Head of the Department should be submitted to the Office of the Controller of Examinations after paying the necessary exam fees, within the stipulated time
- The Office of the Controller of Examinations after collecting the Application Form, generates the Hall Tickets. Hall Tickets will be issued to the students through their departments
- Hall Tickets of students who have (Fees Due / Lack of Attendance/ Malpractice / Indiscipline will be held back by the Office of the Controller of Examinations. Based on the recommendation of the Examinations Reform Committee, Hall Tickets will be issued through the Office of the Controller of Examinations
Publication of Results
After completion of valuation, and Passing Board Meeting results will be announced to the Students through our College Web Site and also displayed on our College Notice Board
Students Welfare Measures
- Semester results intimated to parents within a week
- Timetable & results published on the college website
- Supplementary exams within 15 days of final semester results
- Counselling is given to students in case of break of study, equivalency, and lack of attendance
- Student centered decisions taken on all issues
Future Plan
- Developing Blooms Taxonomy standard Question Bank and on-demand question paper Generation for Continuous internal Assessment and Comprehensive Examination of UG and PG Programmes
- Implementing Online Application for Re-print_ruation, Re-totaling and Photostrcmp of Answer Scripts
- Launching an online Grievance Submission portal for Students related to Examination and Assessment
Best Practices
- Online Publication of exam timetable & exam results on the college website
- Course teacher list preparation is done exam date-wise and session wise
- Supplementary exam for all arrear papers from I – VI Sem for final students
- Hall ticket printed with a photograph of the candidates, date, and session of exams
- Question paper printed in the standardized booklet form
- Automated seating arrangements during the examination
- Central Valuation with comfortable stay and food facility arranged for External Examiners
- Result intimation letter of individual students to parentssent soon after the result publication
- Consolidated mark statement with seventeen Security features and student photograph
- Provision for online certificate verification
Examination Rules
Examination Fees
Details | Rate in Rs. |
UG (All part I, II, III, IV, V , Extra Credit Papers & NSS) | 125 |
PG(M A, M Com, & M Sc ) Theory (including Extra Credit & I D Papers) | 200 |
MCA (including Extra Credit & ID Papers) | 350 |
M Phil | 400 |
Details | Rate in Rs. |
UG ( Part III, IV, V , Extra Credit , & Skills for Employability, CSS) | 175 |
PG (M A, M Com, & M Sc ) including Extra Credit & Skills for Employability | 225 |
PG (M A, M Com, & M Sc ) (6 hrs) | 325 |
MCA ((including Extra Credit , ID Papers & Skills for Employability) | 400 |
Details | Rate in Rs. |
UG | 200 |
PG (M A, M Com, & M Sc ) | 350 |
MCA | 400 |
Mini Project (MCA – Extra credit) | 275 |
M Phil | 1250 |
VPP | 215 |
Online certificate course(UG,PG,MCA) | 50 |
Certificate and Diploma Programme
Details | Rate in Rs. |
Certificate Course | 140 |
Diploma Course | 150 |
Details | Rate in Rs. |
Certificate Course | 195 |
Diploma Course | 195 |
Details | Rate in Rs. |
Diploma Course | 215 |
Certificate Course & Diploma Course – Degree Certificate | 400 |
Certificate Course & Diploma Course -Late fee for arrear students | 200 |
Exam Application fees | 50 |
Late fee for submitting exam application after last date | 200 |
Late fee for submission of Dissertation / Project for every 6 months | 500 |
Fine for delay in fees remittance | 50 |
Convocation Application | 200 |
Semester Mark statement | 100 |
Consolidated Mark statement | 300 |
Details | Rate in Rs. |
UG | 500 |
PG | 700 |
M Phil | 700 |
Provisional Certificate | 300 |
Late Fee (for payment to university) arrear | 600 |
Details | Rate in Rs. |
UG( 3 papers only) | 500 |
Details | Rate in Rs. |
UG, PG | 300 |
Examination Helpline
To share your Complaints/Grievances click here
Time Table
Semester Examination - November 2024